Monday 29 August 2011

My First Tea Party

The worst part of this job is I can't take pictures.  I wish all of you could have seen the beautifully set princess table with a pink table cloth, a quilted table runner, 11 china tea cups and saucers, a silver two tiered platter with pink and white princess treats, a purple sugar bowl, flowered tea pot and 11 perfectly dressed princesses all sipping pink princess tea.  It was simply marvelous!  The pink play dough topped off the tea party before we made princess necklaces and painted nails.  Overall it was a whirled wind two hours full of excitement, hugs and smiles.
I received this email from the birthday girl's Mom
"Thank you so much for being a part of my daughters bday! Take care and again fabulous job!!"  Karen

Sunday 21 August 2011

M's Birthday Party

I actually had a party today, I am just a little behind in my blogging.  A facebook friend / friend from high school contacted me a few weeks ago inquiry about  Princess Kim attending her daughter's four year old party.  The plan was to do a craft and paint nails however as we know not all children follow plans .... I had a great time dancing with the girls, jumping in the bouncy castle and being a M's royal servant however trying to get the children to sit down for a craft was providing challenging so we ate cake instead. I quickly polished same nails before all the girls headed outside to the bouncy castle.  M was adorable and bossy, a true princess, she complimented me on my hat and sparkles, she asked lots of questions.  She wanted to know what was on my shoulder (a tattoo) I told her a dragon bit me, she was very satisfied! I truly love attending parties the kids give me so much energy and tons of stories to tell.  Hopefully Alex will send me some pictures to post.

Noor's Party

It was a slow start to the summer but I received a phone call  a few weeks ago from a lady asking if I was available the next night.  I told her I normally require more notice than one day.  The lady then proceeded to tell me it was for her daughter that was turning five tomorrow, she has leukaemia and the hospital was letting her out for her birthday party.  I turned to Neil to ask what I should do and he said "how can you not go".  So the next night I headed out not really knowing what to expect and loaded with games for ten children aging from 2-10.  The family was from India and all 25 people where dressed so beautifully I actually felt underdressed.  The birthday girl looked at me and said "are you a real Barbie".  She was so infatuated with me she didn't let go of my hand for the next hour.  This was my first non-spa party and wow was it fun.  We danced, played royal messenger,  musical magic carpet, dance party freeze and mermaid race all in a 200 square foot room.  The children all piled on top of me before I left thanked me for coming and the birthday girl looked at me with her big brown eyes and said "I love you Princess Kim".  This was truly a magically moment.