Friday 15 April 2011

More Pictures

I am having so much fun with my parties I wanted to share a few new photos.  I am also doing some alterations to my dress, so stay tuned for more pics.

Monday 11 April 2011

1 hour Princess Spa Party for 5 year olds

I had a great time yesterday attending Kayla's 5th Birthday Party, the little princesses were so well behaved.  After presenting all the girls with tiara's, we started out by coloring princess pictures while I started the manicures.   All of the princesses wanted flowers and sparkles!
We had a little time left over so I did their make-up they all felt so beautiful.  There was even time for pictures with Princess Kim before she departed.  The one hour worked out great!
The mother of the party sent me the following email:
" Thanks again for coming the girls really enjoyed it and I was able to relax a little during that hour"

Saturday 2 April 2011

Party at a daycare

I had another party on Friday with 8 little girls rangeing in age from 3 to 10. They were all so thrilled to meet a real princess and had lots of questions about my castle and horses. I presented each little princess with their own tiara they were all beaming. They also wanted to know if I could dance so I took turns dancing with everyone. We painted nails, colored princess pictures; some of the girls even drew portraits of me. The party was only a hour so we quickly ran out of time, but I stayed a little longer to play a game of "kiss the frog". All the girls were sad I had to leave so we had a group picture so they would always remember Princess Kim.